Friday, December 14, 2007

Well, hello there! So, it's been mentioned to me that once one has a blog, they should probabaly visit it and update it from time to time. Funny thing, that.

I'd like to say a few things from the other side of that 'recently published' pov.

Writers of erotica, a question:

What do you tell your friends/family/coworkers?

You see, my family, my coworkers and business associates are intrigued to hear that I've written a book (and contributed to another.)

However: Take the subject matter into consideration. Is it really something that I'd want my coworkers, business associates, or (heaven forbid) my mother to read? Not really. Well, not at first.

My mother was clever enough to ask if she could read it. I said 'No.' We left it at that. Easy enough. (Though I suspect she's read it and just won't say.)

The reason I bring this up is that just the other day, a business associate mentioned my book and said he wanted an 'autographed copy'. Well, being the savvy business woman that I am, I sent him a link to purchase the ebook and a digital signature. But now (gasp) he's going to read it!

Now what? Do I duck under my desk when he happens to visit my office? Do I walk proud and tall? (Well, of course I do, but still!)

I'm half way between chair dancing in excitement and biting my nails in anticipation...

I'll keep you posted! But in the mean time, tell me, what would you do?


Anonymous said...

Personally, I think you should tell the world that you write nice smutty stuff. Please send me a signed copy also. :)

and get writing on your blog more

johnny of e

Anonymous said...
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Tuonela said...

Ah, about time too! Good to see you back BID, now git and do some writin'.

Phaedra said...

I'm working on it!!! Slowly. Baby steps, you know.

Signed copies cost extra Mr. E. ;)